Tamarack Testimonials: Phil Milroy, CJ3 Pilot & Owner

Phil Milroy is a pilot and business owner out of Edmonton, Alberta. He flies a CJ3, which was purchased new in 2007 and was upgraded with fusion avionics and Tamarack Active Winglets simultaneously. The process was swift, efficient, and uncomplicated. Phil is thrilled with that decision, and says, “What I get is significantly increased performance, particularly in the climb, and reduced fuel flow both in the climb and in the cruise.” In Canada, he says it’s very typical to be at ISA +10 to ISA +15 in the wintertime especially, and the airplane will go right to FL450 even at full gross. Then, minutes after getting there, the plane is already up on step, and after burning 2,000-3,000lbs of fuel under max gross, the airplane is saving approximately 6-7% of fuel. One of the main benefits of Active Winglets on the CJ3 is a faster direct climb to FL450, even with heavy or ISA+ conditions. In addition, Active Winglets increase MZFW by approximately 400lbs.  

He also notices the benefits of increased range. “I’ve got roughly ten flights in my logbook that were 2,200nm landing with anywhere from 700 to 1,100lbs of fuel," he observes. A CJ3 with Active Winglets can expect to see gains of up to 200nm additional range at MCT, resulting in fewer stops. He says he doesn’t pull the power back, as he bought the plane to go fast, and runs it as close to the red line as he can manage. Active Winglets not only make the CJ3 more economical, but also improve safety through single-engine climb performance and a more stabilized approach on landing, and up to 25% turbulence canceling for a more comfortable flight.

“You land about 8-10 knots slower than you normally would,” Phil said, “which means you’re turning off the runway without hitting the brakes hard.”

Phil, like most Tamarack customers, added Active Winglets to his plane to expedite travel, but the safety benefits, increased range, and climb performance transform an already wonderful airplane into a fabulous one.

Learn more about Active Winglets

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